
Trekkin book cover

Unknown (until now) to most, but famous to all of his friends, Robert should be considered a National Treasure. Born in Flint, Michigan to a multigenerational Flint family, Robert is the eldest of eleven children. His maternal grandfather was born in a sod hut near Smith Center, Kansas, the geographical center of the 48 contiguous […]

Hooves for Harmony

Hooves for Harmony offers horse therapy to children with special needs at Morning Star Farm in Novato. They focus on nurturing personal development in youth through volunteer service and horsemanship.

Nostalgic Rides

nostalgic rides book cover

Cars have become iconic in the US culture. We not only depend upon them for business and pleasure travel but consider them to be functional sculpture, an art form that reflects our changing tastes, politics and family values. We celebrate them in music, film and art. Cars are marketed to appeal to our dreams and […]

Facing the World – Greenland

greenland book cover

Remember the film version of the ill-fated Titanic steaming toward a towering iceberg? That footage was likely our first introduction to these majestic but ominous ships of the sea. The year was 1912 and little research was available related to the icy behemoths. Much has been learned since that fateful day when so many people […]

Rotarian Marisa Remak

Past President Marty Wickenheiser of the Rotary Club of Novato, interviews Marisa Remak with her children, Ryan, Ashby & Sadie.

Where the Light Enters

where the light enters book cover

So, who fits the soldier with the emotional and spiritual prosthesis? “Where The Light Enters” is a memoir about the impact the Vietnam War had on one soldier’s life. It is a healing story, a spiritual journey, and the path taken in search of redemption, reconciliation, and reconnection. It is not a war story but […]

The Siege of Heptanese

Heptanese book cover

What follows is the pictorial record of The Siege of Heptanese which commenced on 14 September on the Isle of Corfu concluding with the eventual surrender of Levkas on 26 Sept. The siege was led by the unsinkable FiFA IV. Excerpt: It is the wine that leads me on,the wild winethat sets the wisest man […]

Facing the World – Egypt

Egypt Book Cover

This journey with photographer and world traveler Michael Morrissey will take you through the streets Cairo and far beyond: to Alexandria, built over the sunken city of Cleopatra and Caesar to the majestic Temple of Hatshepsut, to Luxor and Karnack and Abu Simbel, through tiny villages and complex markets, the placid Isle of Philae, Kom […]